Unit 11 lớp 10: National Parks-Language Focus

Bài học này giúp các em luyện thực hành phát âm / t / và / d / đồng thời ôn lại cách dùng và giải quyết các bài tập của Câu điều kiện loại 3. Mời các em tham khảo phần cuối cùng của Unit 11 lớp 10 phần "Language Focus".

Unit 11 lớp 10: National Parks-Language Focus

1. Pronunciation Unit 11 lớp 10

Listen and repeat (Nghe và nhắc lại)

Practise these sentences (Luyện tập các câu sau)

1. It's next to the restaurant on the third floor. (Nó nằm cạnh nhà hàng trên tầng ba.)

2. They're on the next counter on your left, dear. (Họ đang ở quầy tiếp theo bên trái của bạn, thân yêu.)

3. It's exactly twenty-two minutes to ten. (Đó là chính xác là 10 giờ kém 10 phút.)

4. They stayed at home and played cards with the children. (Họ ở nhà và chơi bài với lũ trẻ.)

5. Sidney and I listened to the radio and studied. (Sidney và tôi nghe đài và nghiên cứu.)

6. Donald and I had a bad cold, so we decided to stay at home. (Donald và tôi bị cảm lạnh, nên chúng tôi quyết định ở nhà.)

2. Grammar Unit 11 lớp 10

2.1. Exercise 1 Unit 11 lớp 10

Complete the following sentences, using the correcl form of the verbs in brackets (Hoàn chỉnh những câu sau,dưới dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc)

1. If I_______ (know) that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you.

2. I would have bought a new bicycle if I______ (have) enough money.

3. If I had had a motorbike, I_______ (go) home immediately.

4. If he had worked hard, he _______ (pass) his examination.

5. We______ (enjoy) the party better if it had not been so long.

6. He wouldn't have begun to learn Russian if he ______ (know) the difficulties.

7. If the rain______ (stop), I would have gone for a walk.

8. If you______ (call) him, he would have come.

Guide to answer

1. If I had known that you were ill last week, I would have gone to see you. (Nếu tôi biết tuần trước bạn ốm thì tôi đã đi thăm bạn rồi.)

2. I would have bought a new bicycle if I had had enough money. (Tôi sẽ mua một chiếc xe đạp mới nếu tôi có đủ tiền.)

3. If I had had a motorbike, I would have gone home immediately. (Nếu tôi có xe máy, tôi đã về nhà ngay lập tức rồi.)

4. If he had worked hard, he would have passed his examination. (Nếu anh ấy học hành chăm chỉ, anh ấy đã qua kì thi rồi.)

5. We would have enjoyed the party better if it had not been so long. (Chúng ta đã có thể tận hưởng bữa tiệc vui hơn nếu nó không lâu đến vậy.)

6. He wouldn’t have begun to learn Russian if he had known the difficulties. (Anh ấy sẽ không học tiếng Nga nếu anh ấy biết những khó khăn của nó.)

7. If the rain had stopped, I would have gone for a walk. (Nếu trời ngừng mưa, tôi sẽ đi dạo bộ.)

8. If you had called him, he would have come. (Nếu bạn gọi anh ấy thì anh ấy đã đến rồi.)

2.2. Exercise 2 Unit 11 lớp 10

Write a sentence with if for each situation (Viết một câu với if cho mỗi tình huống)

1. The accidents happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.

If the driver in front hadn't ___________

2. I didn't know that Lam had to get up early, so I didn't wake him.

If I had known ____________

3. I was able to buy the car only because Hoa lent me the money.

If Hoa hadn't ____________

4. Mary was not injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.

If Mary hadn't _________

5. You did not have breakfast - that is why you are hungry now.

If you had ____________ .

6. I did not get a taxi because 1 did not have any money on me.

If I had _____________ .

Guide to answer

1. If the driver in front hadn’t stopped so suddenly, the accident wouldn’t have happened. (Nếu người lái xe phía trước không dừng đột ngột, tai nạn sẽ không xảy ra.)

2. If I had known that Lam had to get up early, I'd have woken him up. (Nếu tôi biết rằng Lâm dậy sớm, tôi đã đánh thức anh ta dậy.)

3. If Hoa hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn’t have been able to buy the car. (Nếu Hoa không cho tôi vay tiền, tôi sẽ không thể mua xe.)

4. If Mary hadn’t been wearing a seat bell, she would have been injured. (Nếu Mary không đeo dây an toàn, cô sẽ bị thương.)

5. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now. (Nếu bạn ăn sáng, bạn sẽ không đói bây giờ.)

6. If I had had some money on me, I would have got a taxi. (Nếu tôi có một số tiền, tôi đã có một xe taxi.)

2.3. Exercise 3 Unit 11 lớp 10

Use the given information to make conditiona sentences with if (Dùng thông tin được cho để đặt câu điều kiện với if)

1. I wasn't working at the restaurant last night. I didn't wait on your table.

2. They weren't paying attention, so they didn't see the sign marking their exit from the highway.

3. Carol didn't answer the phone because she was studying.

4. The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday.

5. The music was playing loudly at the restaurant, so I didn't hear everything Mr. Lee said during the dinner.

Guide to answer

1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table. (Nếu tôi làm việc tại nhà hàng tối qua, tôi sẽ đợi trên bàn của bạn.)

2. If they had ben paying attention, they would have seen the sign marking their exit from the highway. (Nếu họ chú ý, họ sẽ thấy biển báo đánh dấu lối ra từ xa lộ.)

3. Carol would have answered the phone if she hadn’t been studying. (Carol sẽ trả lời điện thoại nếu cô ấy không học.)

4. If the sun hadn’t been shining, we wouldn’t have gone to the beach yesterday. (Nếu mặt trời không chiếu sáng, chúng tôi sẽ không đi đến bãi biển ngày hôm qua.)

5. If the music hadn’t been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard everything Mr Lee said during dinner. (Nếu âm nhạc không được chơi lớn tiếng tại nhà hàng, tôi sẽ nghe được mọi thứ mà Lee nói trong bữa tối.)

3. Practice Task 1

Put in the correct verb form (Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc)

1. If I (be) _______ you, I (help) _______ her now.

2. If she (be) _______ late, she will be punished.

3. I could have understood him if he (speak) _______ more slowly.

4. What (you/do) _______ if you (be) _______ a billionaire?

5. You didn’t pay attention to the teacher’s explanation. If you (pay) _______ more attention, you (do) _______ the exam well.

6. She’s waiting for her uncle to come back from Ho Chi Minh city. If her uncle (come) _______ home, she (have) _______ a lot of presents.

7. Sang is a naughty boy and often makes fun ofhis classmates. If he (start) _______ a joke, someone (cry) _______ bitterly.

8. Chung wanted to buy some presents for his younger sister but he couldn’t. If he (afford) _______ to buy, her younger sister (be) _______ happy to greet a new year.

9. He is never willing to help poor people. If he (do) _______ something, the earth (stop) _______ moving.

10. I didn’t know her mother was ill. If I (know) _______ that, I (come) _______ to visit her.

4. Practice Task 2

Rewrite the sentences (Viết lại câu)

1. Oanh didn’t know how to solve the maths problem so she got low marks.

If Oanh __________________________________________________.

2. You didn’t say sorry so she got angry.

If you ___________________________________________________.

3. They didn’t pass the exam and their family were very sad.

If they ___________________________________________________.

4. It rained a lot yesterday evening so we didn’t go swimming.

If it _____________________________________________________.

5. The weather was not fine enough so I didn’t go camping.

If the weather _____________________________________________.

6. The computer broke down and she had to stop her work.

If the computer ____________________________________________.

7. Thanh was angry so we didn’t say anything to her.

If Thanh _________________________________________________.

8. Our teacher didn’t come so we canceled the party.

If our teacher _____________________________________________.

9. Quang was interested in the film so he didn’t study his lesson.

If Quang _________________________________________________.

10. I had a bad headache yesterday so I didn’t go to school.

If I _____________________________________________________.

Để nắm các từ vựng và các điểm ngữ pháp đã học trong Unit 11, mời các em đến với phần trắc nghiệm Unit 11 Language Focus Tiếng Anh 10 sau đây và cùng luyện tập.

Trắc Nghiệm

6. Conclusion

Qua bài học này các em cần ghi nhớ cách dùng, công thức và vận dụng của Conditional Sentence Type 3 (Câu điều kiện loại 3)

a. Cách dùng

Câu điều kiện loại 3 là câu điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ.

b. Công thức

If + S + Had + V(pp)/Ved, S + would/ could…+ have + V(pp)/V-ed

Ví dụ

If I had studied the lessons, I could have answered the questions (Nếu tôi học những bài học này, tôi đã có thể trả lời các câu hỏi này rồi.)

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